EST. 2012
Leaf &
815 West 11th St North Wichita, KS 67203
Two Guys Walk Into the Forest. . .
There is a silence of acceptance, a single breeze blows across the mountainside carrying along whispers
of ancient secrets from the trees. With unconditional trust both close their eyes. Feeling the sacred
space of the land's love and healing, they know this is their home.

Medicine Bow National Forest James & Jeff 2018
Here we are folks!
Lets get the formalities out of the way we are James & Jeff. The Leaf and the Stone, the Rock and the Roots or, for us, the Growth and the Foundation it builds upon. We make a great team in so many ways and continue to get better as we grow with our strong individual talents. When we started bringing our two worlds together there was explosive creation and forging opportunities left and right for our community.
James started from farms and old world healing young in Cheyenne, WY, to Portland to get a culinary education and work at the Multnomah County Health Department, Peer Mentor at a HIV resource center, featured chef at Quest Center for Integrative Health and so much more! Such a passion for volunteer work and supporting folks that need help. This volunteering led a drive to do more to help the community. Becoming a Herbalist was not only a statement of his own health independence, yes slightly rebellious, but also to help others do the same themselves. Thanks to working with doctors and education at M.C.H.D. he learned body systems and a heavy focus on immune, cancer and digestion. James loves teaching through simple life practices, knowledge sharing and growing your own herbs to use yourself. Starting a rebellion? Well no not exactly, it might feel that way to James just by helping to break old trained habits. The consciousness around natural healing has made its way back into all of our everyday lives. James channels, through his own herbal muse, this consciousness to bring you amazing creations. These creations not only have their uses in your toolbox of things you reach for, but also taste really good!
What we bring is a opportunity for individuals managing different aspects of their lives. Every action has a reaction and those of us dealing with injuries need to manage our bodies reaction. Bounce back with Action & Rebound, a chance to get back into the joyful moments of life you are creating. Raw Cosmos is not just a chocolate drink, it's an out of this world energy and brain boosting mushroom, fruit and herb extravaganza that tastes like chocolate milk! We are not stopping here, there is so much more to bring to our community. By gathering ingredients from farms all over Wichita we are honored to bring you our own Fyre Cider called 'White Ravens Brew'! A mythical drink with roots deep in history, now intertwined with the Druidic energies of the Raven.
Jeff’s spiritual path with natural healing started at a young age. Jeff had been raised in what some might call a functioning dysfunctional environment. His mom was diagnosed with systemic lupus when he was nine years old. For years leading up to that his mom was incapable of doing some of the basic things that he’d see other kid’s moms doing. Her constant pain and depression caused by the pain coupled with his step fathers alcoholism led him to believe that functioning and chemical dependency went hand and hand. Watching his mom go from one doctor to the next in the meantime adding more medications to counteract all the side effects was just part of a normal, everyday routine. At sixteen he was lucky enough to have an escape and moved in with his grandparents to finish off the last of his impressionable years.
His grandparents were from a different generation. A generation that had to grow their own food, that survived the depression, that didn’t depend on doctors to heal themselves but passed down home remedies. When his grandma wasn’t whipping something up to help his teenage acne, usually involving lemon juice, she was insisting he take a shot of apple cider vinegar with garlic everyday just for overall health. Got a toothache, here she’d say, just apply a little bit of clove oil. To the day they both passed they didn’t take any medications except when absolutely necessary and they never smoked. They both lived long lives. This belief embedded by his grandparents carried on throughout his life resulting in him seeking natural ways to heal and sustain himself first.
As a side note, as life went on and many years and tears later Jeff learned to forgive and heal his relationship with his parents and hold them in the highest esteem. Everyone walks their own path, we’re all given tools to live our lives the best we can and everyone deserves forgiveness. There is no regret, only love for them helping Jeff to be the best he can be.
From the moment Jeff and James met they have been active in fighting for people's rights to clean food and medicine. We are what we eat can’t be anymore true. Jeff believes that every condition, every symptom is our bodies talking to us and Mother Nature gives us all we need. From the moment Jeff started working he’s always found ways to become self employed. From cleaning houses to building custom furniture Jeff relishes in creating self sufficiency for himself and his loved ones. Jeff loves Leaf & Stone and often refers to it as his child. The idea that Jeff can offer a safe, natural and always transparent relationship with his customers is his driving force.
When we say Apothecary we are bringing back the old world rooted feel with the new world education! Enjoy the herbal Apothecary of what Leaf & Stone offers : )